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if you intend to rape someone , bring flowers along than it should be alright..... i guess...

Anonymous April 13, 2015 5:55 pm

if you intend to rape someone , bring flowers along than it should be alright..... i guess.This is what i learned from story 4(⌒▽⌒)

    holymangobatman April 14, 2015 7:21 am

    NO. just no. i really hope you're being sarcastic. DONT EVER RAPE SOMEONE. RAPE IS NOT OKAY. i dont care how it's portrayed in manga/yaoi, forcing yourself on someone is a violation of their rights and of their person, and you'd be a scumbag who needs to be tried and thrown in jail. just no. i understand yaoi is fictional and a lot of people can tell right from wrong and walk away from these kind of stories knowing that it should be taken exactly as that: fictional. DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM THIS THINKING RAPE IS FINE AND PEOPLE WILL FORGIVE YOU. RAPE IS ALWAYS WRONG. ALWAYS. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH SOMEONE WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. DONT BE A DICK.

    god i cant believe i have to spell this out. i really hope you're making a bad joke bere

    Lana April 18, 2015 3:07 pm
    NO. just no. i really hope you're being sarcastic. DONT EVER RAPE SOMEONE. RAPE IS NOT OKAY. i dont care how it's portrayed in manga/yaoi, forcing yourself on someone is a violation of their rights and of t... holymangobatman

    They were pointing out the yaoi mentality and the irony of it for god's sake. Lighten the fuck up.

    holymangobatman April 19, 2015 7:38 pm
    They were pointing out the yaoi mentality and the irony of it for god's sake. Lighten the fuck up. @Lana

    thats why i said i hope they were being sarcastic??? if they were really being ironic great but a lot of people walk away from yaoi romanticizing rape and i think its at least worth a LITTLE concern dont you??

    Eve May 6, 2015 10:18 pm
    They were pointing out the yaoi mentality and the irony of it for god's sake. Lighten the fuck up. @Lana

    While I wouldn't have been that...extreme, rape is taken WAY to casually by fujoshi, and it's pretty hard to tell if someone is joking or serious. I'd be worried too.

    I'm also worried that you seem to think that someone being concerned about rape makes them uptight and that they need to lighten up. There are a LOT of people who've been raped who wouldn't agree with you.

    Honestly, we should take it more seriously. It's one of the worst things you can do to a person, and using it constantly as a writing cliche is getting really, really old. We could have much better storylines in yaoi if we stopped being okay with the 'rape to love' plot and started pushing for better written relationships.

    Catlady September 18, 2015 5:51 pm
    While I wouldn't have been that...extreme, rape is taken WAY to casually by fujoshi, and it's pretty hard to tell if someone is joking or serious. I'd be worried too.I'm also worried that you seem to think that... Eve

    I'm with you. More seduction less rape. Long live Yaoi-love with good smexy sex. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Aiya-chan December 6, 2015 6:56 am
    NO. just no. i really hope you're being sarcastic. DONT EVER RAPE SOMEONE. RAPE IS NOT OKAY. i dont care how it's portrayed in manga/yaoi, forcing yourself on someone is a violation of their rights and of t... holymangobatman

    I agree with you! There really should be some kinda warning around these kind of love stories. An other important thing to point out, contrary to how manga portraits it, a pysical reaction does not in anyway equals consent. A frightning number of people seems to be confused by this, in manga they often say stuff like "at least your body is honest". This is fictional, and bullshit, someone getting had/wet does not in any way mean that they want to, aspecially if they say that they dont want it. This is just a sign that their bodys work the way they are supposed to, if a sensitive area is tuched in a sexual way it's designed to have a certain reaction and if something is put into a vagina, the vagaina will get wet, it is a protective reflex not a sign that it is okay. If one wants to know if someone want to have sex, ask that person and listen to what they say. And remember, rape is NOT sex, it's aggression and violoncell and it's about power and it breaks something in people, something that can never be fixed again..

    Anonymous March 9, 2016 6:38 am

    Chill out sheesh. This is fiction. Most people recognize this fact. For example, I love stories like Blood+ and Saver...I even have a few swords. But you won't find me going around slashing up people. I read Attack on Titan....not gonna start eating people. That's about as ridiculous as blaming video games for people doing stupid things. I've played nearly every Assassins Creed don't see me doing leaps of faith and corner assassinations, now do you?'s fiction. Most people can separate the two and have enough common sense not to act on what they read

    yuukifangs February 18, 2017 10:23 am
    Chill out sheesh. This is fiction. Most people recognize this fact. For example, I love stories like Blood+ and Saver...I even have a few swords. But you won't find me going around slashing up people. I re... @Anonymous

    i completely agree with you on it being fiction, so shouldn't be taken seriously, but here's the thing. you said MOST people. sarcasm doesn't travel well through text which is why @holymangobatman said first 'i hope your being sarcastic'. however, unlike the rest of us who would assume that they were, @holymangobatman felt strongly enough about the topic to try to explain why rape IS wrong in case the person writing the first comment DIDN'T ACTUALLY KNOW!!!!! while most people can tell the difference, its the minority who cant that we should be worried about because when they read these types of stories, they'll believe them. they'll learn the wrong lessons. that's what @holymangobatman was getting at. which is why i whole heartedly agree with @holymangobatman's comment.(⊙…⊙ )