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On the contrary, I find that the brother is quite mean. I get where he's coming from, with...

Anonymous April 16, 2015 12:18 am

On the contrary, I find that the brother is quite mean. I get where he's coming from, with the sister like that and all, but he's the one who indulged the sister and never disciplined her in the first place. And when the sister felt that he is on her side, that he's going to protect her, he betrayed her by siding on the people that he just met. The people that resemble her bullies from the past. He doesn't even have enough resolve to take care of her (and I mean that in every way. Like make her feel safe but at the same time discipline her before she got to this stage) and then he went and brought other people into the family's problem. People that she already has problems with. Making her out to be everyone's problem, making her feel left out even more so, making her feel worse. Granted that he's young himself, he couldn't possibly know how to raise the sister himself, but he should have asked for help from the beginning instead of laying a safe haven for the sister and then ripping it out from her all of a sudden when he felt that it was too much. In some cases, that could bring another trauma. I get that he's having a hard time but must he push his sister out of the blue like that? In that way? He's just undo-ing what he's been doing for his sister so far. Providing security and support. There are other ways to push her while still giving her the security and support she needed. What he's doing is like, tossing the scared girl out of the house to fend for herself.

    Evilcleo June 21, 2015 2:08 am

    I don't care if she is a NEET or not, suddenly bringing in a bunch of strangers and allowing them to stay long term and expect her to to cook and clean for them is not okay. Unless they're paying rent and are legal tenants, then that's different.