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Forgot another yaoi ( ̄∇ ̄")

sayasakura April 17, 2015 4:33 am

The seme is the new music teacher of the class & the uke is tone deaf. The uke is very embarrassed about it. So the seme offers him a solo class to teach him about music. I think the seme had glasses & the uke had blond hair.
I remember this scene where the seme asks the uke to sing & when the uke starts singing the seme pinches his nipple (yeah, he's a lecherous perverted teacher :P ) to correct(!!) the uke's pitch.
Another scene i remember is that the seme notices & remembers the uke's name even though the uke never mentioned his name to the seme. That's all. i know it's jumbled but i told everything i could remember about this manga. Oh...and it's a oneshot.
