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I need to say this to blow the steam off me. Oh my god, how I hate this. I prefer Haru wo ...

Anonymous April 17, 2015 4:41 pm

I need to say this to blow the steam off me. Oh my god, how I hate this. I prefer Haru wo daite, if I'm not mistaken, because you can feel how much they love and don't want to hurt each others feelings but this one-one word- awful.
First, that uke literally hurts the seme so many times that I pity the seme, I cried for him. Second, why didn't the seme slap the uke once for hurting him so much. Third, that really pissed me off is that the uke just realized at the last chapter that his in love with the seme, for havean sake, at the last chapter. So, at that time when he came back and said those thing to the seme was just for fun.
But the good thing about this is that kenzaki didn't end up with that stupid seme because he deserve someone better than that one, this is the only good part.
