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geniusmyg October 13, 2020 9:41 pm

i came back here because this chapter has been on my mind the whole day, like ok if we take out the written parts we can see jooin is very into it, but we put the words and take in the context of the story everything changes!, like idk if the author is giving mixed signals on purpose or like they don't know consent at all?, it makes it uncomfortable for the readers seeing jooin in such a situation because yahwi is selfish and an asshole that doesn't take in all of his partner cues in consideration AT ALL, at this point i don't know where the author is going with the story with the development of their relationship, we haven't seen enough of yahwi's past to take in consideration for his shitty ways of behavior (AND HIS AWFUL TAKE ON CONSENT) or jooin actually opposing yahwi's advances when they "have sex"
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
