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okay this is just a weird theory in my head

bungee cum October 17, 2020 2:28 pm

But what if Hajun's soul & Taeil are somewhat intertwining or smthng like that? I think the reason why Taeil's losing consciousness is because when he possesses Hajun's body a fragment of "curse" sticks to Taeil. JUST LIKE WHAT TAEIL SAID, WHEN HE POSSESSES HAJUN'S BODY A FRAGMENT OF HIMSELF TEMPORARILY STAYS AND SOMEHOW HELPS HAJUN TO WARD OFF THE EVIL SPIRITS. It can also explain why Hajun "dreams" of Yuzu, in such detail (like the warmth of Yuzu's hands etc.) and what if a part of Hajun's attraction to Yuzu was caused by Taeil's desire to be with Yuzu (his intense feelings for Yuzu)

    Madchan~ November 28, 2020 8:34 pm

    I was thinking the same thing, in particular about hajun's attraction to yuzu. When yuzu and Hajun went to the sea, it seemed like his feelings were caming from taeil's memory, so in my opinion it's a mix.