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I'm reading this again,can't help feeling happy about it,just reminds me so much about my ...

Anonymous April 28, 2015 12:09 pm

I'm reading this again,can't help feeling happy about it,just reminds me so much about my uncles.
When both of them were staying together and working before,they saved up a lot for their future together. They bought properties and after they retired,they decided to build their dream home which is beautiful..they have their own room,one for grandma,the maid and also for guests who flown in from abroad. And they love gardening so there's a lovely garden and keep pets too.
My uncle opened up his own business so there's lots of workers and few factories. For my uncle inlaw,he's always by my uncle's side. But only one thing is that they didn't marry,just living together forever. For a gay couple to be happy,it's possible because my uncles are living it.
