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Yul October 19, 2020 7:34 am

I got these from the raw manhwa/ few chapters/ blog. These are sorta out of order
Manhwa (I only read up to like ch 18 for manhwa)
- FL gets killed by a guillotine when she is 18
- FL goes back when she is 12
- Emperor is cross dressing as a girl and is ML
- Emperor has a servant girl named Tory who he killed later after he married her in the future (Said to be on the wedding night, I’m not sure)
- FL’s father disapproves of the killing of the Empress and tries to talk to the Emperor
- according to FL, father receives ML’s hatred and family is eventually killed by a guillotine
- FL is the last to be killed and had to watch her younger brother die before her
- pleads ML to kill her first but ML is apathetic
- FL is sad for Tory but wants to help her become Empress in order to use her(?)
- FL helps Tory during her birthday party since all the other nobles make fun of Tory
- FL learns that ML has been aware of her ever since she was little and had been interested in Bellua
- ML seems to admire(?) Bellua?
- FL decides to run away in order to become ML’s servant so she can get closer to Tory and convince the ML that she is useful
- becomes poison tester / maid
- FL becomes ML servant and stops sending letters to parents
- hates the fact that ML is acting human
- “How laughable to see a monster trying to act like a human”

Chapters (I only read two sry)
- hates ML
- instead of feeling sympathetic for ML’s human actions such as: caring for Tory, keeping a pet, acting ‘normal’ FL is disgusted by them since she knows the future
- 4 months pass and ML still does not trust FL
- FL tells ML that she hopes to be seen as useful enough not to be killed and does not hope to receive ML’s trust or favor
- learns that ML is terrible at piano and is shocked how the teacher praises him

Blog (I hv no confidence whether I read this correctly or not so be aware. Also I’m not sure if source itself is reliable? I think it is tho)
- FL’s brother was planning a revolt (?)
- ML’s mother fell in love with a Emperor from a different country named Claude (what’s with Korean Manhwas/novels and Claude lol) But with Claude’s help, they find that she is a daughter of a noble. The noble is greedy and sends her off as a marriage candidate to ML’s father
- ML’s mother becomes Empress but she misses Claude and with the Emperor’s abuse, she becomes broken. Also it states that the Emperor is infertile(?)
- ML’s mother teaches ML so that he can revenge her and ML believes it’s cuz his mother loves him
- ML finds out too late that his mother does not love him and according to another source, his mother becomes a puppet(?) with magic
- ML kills Emperor and finishes his mother’s revenge and becomes a tyrant

(I love how FL doesn’t start sympathizing for ML or is touched by ML’s human actions cuz I find that illogical. Anyways, I tried my best on the spoilers but I’m not 100% sure so I might be wrong )
