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RiriRaRin April 29, 2015 4:02 pm

Guys, can you guys please help me brainstorm, in the Japanese entertainment world, what kind of girlfriend would danger a young like early 20's model/actor's career? Well doesn't have to completely destroy it, just the type that's very hard to earn the fans and public's blessings? I was thinking,maybe a divorced older woman? Ex-prostitute? Rape-victim with a kid? Any other? Thanks (=・ω・=)

    RiriRaRin April 30, 2015 4:01 am
    obviously world domination. planning the fastest walk-through? ^^ Morcheeba

    Exactly! How did you read the deepest abyss of my plot? Wwwww

    RiriRaRin April 30, 2015 4:03 am
    an ex-convict maybehave you ever watched Ugly Alert?It's my all time favorite k drama. The background behind the ex-convict got me really emotional and the people surrounding the couple had a hard time acceptin... Renzhe

    I usually watch J-Drama and T-drama so I haven't but hey it's a good reference so I might soon, thanks a bunch! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀ April 30, 2015 12:31 pm

    Well Alys's idea seems plausible and workable. Causing the death of her parents (it's simple but effective and traumatizing at the same time).

    Though you have good ideas by now, I would like to add a couple more from Japan's modern history.

    1) For instance, I read once about ABE Sada, a prostitute who killed and mutilated her own lover. The cause of murder was her possessive love of him. The story was sensational and it was referenced many times in literature work, made into a movie, there was even a mangaka who dropped the name in one line as a joke (the MC said to his lover: What are you? ABE Sada?)
    When I read about her story, I had one question in mind. How did things turn out for family members who are related to her? Surely, it is not easy to admit the kinship?
    And giving the fact that ABE Sada disappeared after serving her time in jail, wouldn't it be interesting if she had an offspring somewhere? A daughter or a son who carries this heavy legacy? And what if the girlfriend you want to create was the grand-daughter of ABE Sada?
    The name by itself would create sensation, awe and shock.

    2) Other possible background related to controversial events in Japan's history.
    Let's say that the girlfriend's grandfather was part of the “Tatenokai” (the Shield Society) group which was created by the author Yukio Mishima. Like Abe Sada, the name Mishima speaks for itself, though the two can't be compared. I am myself a fan of Mishima. Of course Mishima was a great writer but at the same time he had a political agenda as he wanted to restore the imperial rule. He in fact tried to stage a coup d'état in 1970 then performed the ritual suicide, seppuku. He was aided by three members of the Tatenokai society, a group which was involved seven years later in taking 12 hostages, hence the name of the society is controversial, so what if the girlfriend was related to that? She could be the grand-daughter of one of Mishima's men, his right hand or a close collaborator?

    Izo Hashimoto sensei used the name Tatenokai – without actually naming it – to create the background of one of Shamo's characters, so using it isn't unfamiliar or out of place.

    I think that more the background is heavy, the more it has implications related to historical, political and morally controversial events, then the more it will weigh on the MC's lives.

    Of course any other background is possible, it all depends on how it is dramatized … and good luck (⌒▽⌒)

    RiriRaRin April 30, 2015 5:25 pm
    Well Alys's idea seems plausible and workable. Causing the death of her parents (it's simple but effective and traumatizing at the same time).Though you have good ideas by now, I would like to add a couple more... ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀

    WOW. How do you know all of that?! Do you live in Japan or smtg?

    ヅ《Lilas》❥--❀ April 30, 2015 7:11 pm
    WOW. How do you know all of that?! Do you live in Japan or smtg? RiriRaRin

    No I don't ... but other people do and they write about different aspects of Japanese society, history and culture. Most of the time, I would be reading something and one thing leads to another and information just piles up, notwithstanding that the work of prominent Japanese writers is most of the time translated into English like Mishima's work. This is a way to learn more about Japanese society, history, culture and politics. Looking into the history of particularly "impactful" movies related to Japanese society could lead also to knowing more about particular events (for instance Abe Sada story was made into a movie in the mid-seventies. Of course I wasn't born then but the movie is still referenced nowadays). Like I said, information just piles up.