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It Needs More

Hachi April 30, 2015 3:12 am

I like the manga. I REALLY do. It's just that I think it didn't end in a very happy way. Yes the uke was able to let go and the seme was able to connect with him but, it just seemed like they settled with being sex friends that get jealous occasionally. There didn't need to be an 'I Love You' but there had to be at least something else they could've done to let the readers know that they have some feelings for each other besides sex. I know that they are now friends but, being friends with benefits isn't the way to end this kind of story. I just wanted a little bit more you know.

    Rittie May 13, 2015 9:16 am

    I've the prequel so thanks for telling me to NOT read this one. I hate such endings :/