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Just saw that on the first page, but just saying, sensei's alright. She isn't radio silent...

Lightasus May 1, 2015 12:15 am

Just saw that on the first page, but just saying, sensei's alright. She isn't radio silent, she has a twitter account and is quite active on posting things in there. In Japanese, of course.
Though she seems to catch colds and stuff quite often, and she loves to rant about it. That and posting pictures of her cat (aha, indeed :P).

By the way, she posted herself about the animix :V

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 12:24 am
    Ah! Rescue me! I just ran off after a squirrel on the main page. LOLOn a more serious note, people like you are wonderful to help rescue cats! I wish I could do it, but my own cats get really angry and hiss/scr... misekatte

    Wrote some stuff above. But we usually use sanitizer after dealing with each cat (in case one is sick before we know it). But you're lucky to have yours at home anyway. ^^

    misekatte May 3, 2015 1:07 am
    Wrote some stuff above. But we usually use sanitizer after dealing with each cat (in case one is sick before we know it). But you're lucky to have yours at home anyway. ^^ Miyanoai

    Hope you can fulfill your dream to work with beasties. My cousin is a vet tech and gets to spend lots of time around dogs and cats and ferrets (oh my!) and loves her job, but it is a tough field when you have to deal with the ill and hurting wee ones. I salute you!

    Miyanoai May 3, 2015 7:40 pm
    Hope you can fulfill your dream to work with beasties. My cousin is a vet tech and gets to spend lots of time around dogs and cats and ferrets (oh my!) and loves her job, but it is a tough field when you have t... misekatte

    Indeed, I'll also need to get over the idea of having to put them down (not being able to I mean). My actual main goal is more toward marine mammals. Dolphins are actually my favorite animals and I would love to be able to work with them (also a ridiculous amount of hard work). Sadly there are no places with that opportunity in my area so I'll have to work on being able to move long distances first (I'm one of those people who are not good with big changes, so moving's always a big issue for me).

    misekatte May 4, 2015 2:52 am
    Indeed, I'll also need to get over the idea of having to put them down (not being able to I mean). My actual main goal is more toward marine mammals. Dolphins are actually my favorite animals and I would love t... Miyanoai

    Ah, euthanizing pets is tough! I had to do that for my first cat when his kidneys failed and he got really ill (he was only 5) so not only do you have to deal with hurt animals, but with hurt humans too! I know I cried as my kitty passed in my lap. Hope you can bear with the move to work with your dream animals!