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I didn’t like it. Unpopular opinion. I know that she has to somehow compromise in their ...

banana October 20, 2020 1:39 pm

I didn’t like it. Unpopular opinion. I know that she has to somehow compromise in their relationship but isn’t marriage what she wanted initially? I understand that maybe she is just conforming with the norms. It’s just that I was thinking that maybe she could’ve convinced her boyfriend after listening to the wonderful gay couple and would treasure the chance that they can get married that others can’t. It would have been better if the story progresses with the guy realizing the importance of marriage and not be bound by fear of divorce. Idk but it won’t make both of you with the sense of security. And future children would bear also the consequences of parents not married.

I am guessing that this most probably got axed that is why it has that ending. Anyway, everybody’s entitled to their own opinions hehe
