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Don't usually like reading for too long...been sitting here for about 6hours i think? xD H...

Katsueki May 2, 2015 4:44 am

Don't usually like reading for too long...been sitting here for about 6hours i think? xD Have read all of this and the damn good!! First manga to keep me so entertained! <3

    Katsueki May 2, 2015 4:45 am

    Okay, little longer then 6hours, just realised it's light outside. :P

    Blade May 8, 2015 5:18 pm

    You are like my dog when i give him fresh meat. Instead of chewing it and savoring its taste he simply swallows it in 2 seconds

    xX_Zen May 8, 2015 5:34 pm

    Not quite sure how i feel being compared to a dog y'know. xD