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that’s rough bud

mangot2g October 20, 2020 4:36 pm

man this manwha is just kind of getting sad at this point, like nooooo one is having a good time. rip i guess

    Water October 20, 2020 6:54 pm
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    This is no soap opera..... It happens in the Korean entertainment industry.....

    Oreides October 20, 2020 7:19 pm
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    Is it really that ridiculous? The whole "slave contracts" and the dark side of the south korean entertainment industry are ridiculous. The entertainment dream world there is just a farce. Fake and ugly.
    The author don't want to expand things further I guess but the main issue is that Leo got exposed, the CEO said that he found out it was him; the damage IS there and Leo isn't welcomed anymore.
    I understand your criticism and some points really seem stupid and not that satisfying but, since I really get what the author is trying to convey it's enough.
    I don't want to look at the story in a more logically way, because I'm sure that I won't have much fun anymore afterwards.^^

    Oreides October 21, 2020 1:09 am
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    First, don't expect too much and don't overthink. Just come to terms with that the author has chosen a safe and non-complex course, which the korean readers, her main audience, in particular can relate better to, since everything there can be a danger to your career if, for example, you as a child peed on the leg of another child in kindergarten, you might have to apologize 30 years later for being a bad, naughty kid back then (and yes, I'm exaggerating a bit). They seem to be a little 'different' over there...
    LoH could have taken an even more serious path, a more mature path, considering the starting point of the story (the drama with them as teenagers) but it did not happen. The author probably lacked a little courage or she just didn't want to be too critical of society.
    I do agree with you and overall a different kind of approach would have been more refreshing, but it won't turn out like that, so again, I have to take things as they are.
    Less "what if" moments and more actions would have been nice.
    Maybe the author will give us the "actor is gay" moment?
    over time, their problems seem more and more banal to me so their avoiding issues, talks and each other made me stop taking things too serious and I wished for a different kind of course in the story, drama and consequences.
    I still like LoH, it's simple and real tho. But my expectations and feelings changed over time. The drama the author mixed in just not had enough impact.
    I like that there are still far too many who find the story uncomfortable and many feel challenged in their comfort zone.

    Oreides October 21, 2020 2:02 am
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    Right! Unfortunately, webtoons are very similar in this regard. Perhaps the authors don't want to overwhelm their target group, after all, it's a yaoi and young readers prefer to just look at some pretty pictures and a lot of eroticism. Even now a lot of readers have still problems to understand simple courses of action and are complaining with the wrong arguments.
    I found the introductory chapter with the interview exciting and appealing too, but after that everything went far from what I expected. I'll stick with it, LoH is good and the triangle relationship, which is actually not one, from a purely physical point of view, is really good. I read far worse ones.
    But in the end, I would have preferred more courage from the author. Seeing her willing to take some risks would have been great. A little more darker and serious outcome, more character development and less senseless sex.
    Is the ending really that obvious? Hmmmmmmmmm

    Oreides October 21, 2020 10:13 pm
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    well, cut out the sex scenes and you have a 16+ webtoon. That's how I see it. And yes, especially here the readers seem to be quite young, which, personally, often gives me a slightly uncomfortable feeling so I prefer to avoid some forums/comments/threads. They seem to devour any type of porn, but draw the line at critical engagement with the actual plot. I have to say, however, that things are similar on social media and on other platforms too, where older people are also present. Sadly. All the simple-minded shipwars unfortunately reduce the quality of a webtoon / author. I don't want to attack the readership, but it can be really exhausting.
    And I share again the same opinion as you,.. - the bar is quite low when it comes to yaoi webtoons so it seems. Never change a running system, the asshole seme with with a traumatic past so his actions can be justified later on always works and since it's fiction don't you dare voice out your critique! Some will eat you alive if you do so. Sigh.
    As long as it's well written I'm fine with everything honestly, and that is really the most important part for me. Especially a yaoi webtoon does not have to be that realistic, deep, meaningful, with an universal message. There are fortunately other genre out there which do that part quite good. There is still a lot to read.
    Killing stalking is disturbingly awesome. Can't understand the criticism of the second half. Only we as readers knew what happened to him in the past. Of course that didnn't justify his actions, but isn't it just sad to know how unfortunate he was and that there will be no justice for him? No one knew the truth, just us, the readers. KS was a great reading experience. Boring? Can't believe it. Probably the same readers who calls BJ Alex a masterpiece, Banana Fish a yaoi, love is an illusion the best omegaverse yaoi webtoon and the relationship between Joowon and Haesoo as incest.

    I had a lot of things in mind while writing this and I hope i make sense and convey my opinion properly.
    I don't belittle readers or the authors, I just don't like toxic fandoms.

    Oreides October 22, 2020 12:07 pm
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    I can't add anything more to that.
    I am always happy about stories that find their way into my heart and stay as a good memory (incl sad/bad endings). That has something rewarding and satisfying about it. And I'm really glad that not every webtoon that you can read on official sites makes it here. Fandoms ruin the fun.
    And likewise, it was really nice to talk to someone in peace.
    I already noticed you because you were waiting for the sequel to Shinjuku Lucky Hole just like me. ^^