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Need Help

Newbienewbie October 21, 2020 12:37 am

Any recs of a good story about a woman or omega getting preggy without the partner knowing until a few years or until the baby was born? Thanks !!!

    woong October 21, 2020 1:14 am

    "dear benjamin" is an ongoing one with a really interesting stroyline so you can try checking it out! "kekkon shite kudasai!" and "kiraide isasete" are a bit different from what you're looking for but i think you'll enjoy them too :D

    Newbienewbie October 21, 2020 1:22 pm
    "dear benjamin" is an ongoing one with a really interesting stroyline so you can try checking it out! "kekkon shite kudasai!" and "kiraide isasete" are a bit different from what you're looking for but i think y... woong

    Thank you!