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Park_Baekhyunee October 21, 2020 1:14 pm

Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well! (⌒▽⌒)

So, I'm trying to catch up on all of my unfinished animes, but I couldn't remember on which episode I stopped while watching Free!

Do any of you perhaps know in which episode the boys had a competition/game of sorts involving waterguns? If I remember correctly it had to do with a school festival too? (I might be wrong )

Thank you in advance for your help ♡

    yuri October 21, 2020 2:08 pm

    maybe free!! ova episode

    Park_Baekhyunee October 21, 2020 4:44 pm
    maybe free!! ova episode yuri

    Oh yeah, could be.. Thank you, hun!