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I actually kinda liked Bumjoon in the beginning but he started to get on my nerves later o...

Touka October 21, 2020 5:54 pm

I actually kinda liked Bumjoon in the beginning but he started to get on my nerves later on. He kissed Jinho, gave him a bite, and then kissed him again.. all after finding out that he has a bf? I mean excuse me?! We get it you have feelings for him but wtf?! And as if that wasn't enough he tried to break them apart
Hwanung is a sexual harasser which is taken too lightly here. It's weird how Jinho noticed it when Hwanung did it but not when Bumjoo did the same!
And I fucking hated how dumb (that's the only term that fits him tbh) Jinho was?! I mean c'mon.. even that female student was more careful than him! Who made him a police officer?! Ugh so pissed
Only main character that I admired was his senior. And how he handled all the emergencies
