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This is what happens to me every day on this site: *reading through the questions on the h...

apathetic_ghost October 21, 2020 11:21 pm

This is what happens to me every day on this site:
*reading through the questions on the home page*
"Oh, this poor soul is looking for a particular manga...hmm, that sounds familiar, I think I know it, let me check."
*scrolls through a few chapters of the suspected manga*
"Nope, this isn't it, but maybe..."
*scrolls through a few more chapters*
*ends up re-reading the whole damn thing and forgets my goal entirely*

    Hana October 21, 2020 11:26 pm

    When I encounter those, I either drop the manga since I remember it but if I dont, U drop mamgas similar to it if there is any since I'm that lazy (  ̄◡ ̄||)

    apathetic_ghost October 21, 2020 11:36 pm
    LMFAO! When I encounter those, I either drop the manga since I remember it but if I dont, U drop mamgas similar to it if there is any since I'm that lazy (  ̄◡ ̄||) Hana

    If I find it right away, I'll for sure drop the link, but when I'm unsure, I just end up re-reading stuff for hours on accident ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Breeezy October 21, 2020 11:36 pm

    I read it & skip past it