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this manga is absolutely great. Chefs kiss Only if you ignore the abomination that is cha...

Turkey Tuesday November 26, 2020 3:05 pm

this manga is absolutely great. Chefs kiss

Only if you ignore the abomination that is chapter 40 though. The characters aged and developed just like fine wine.

Then you have chapter 40, that has Marika participate in a cross dressing contest despite that fact that she’s made it very clear that she is not a cross dresser, she is a woman. Marika’s situation was the best possible one for a trans person. In such a loving and accepting environment, there was little reason for her to even begin to question herself after being so confident in herself in the previous chapters. The mangaka completely backtracked and undid all of Marikas development in that moment.

I don’t have much complaints when it comes to the other characters. Watching them develop was an overall enjoyable experience. Even side characters like Tomo were handled perfectly.

Ignoring chapter 40, this is probably one of the better lgbt manga out there. It tackles gender and sexuality in such an accurate yet easily digestible way.

Tamura’s ending was kind of bitter sweet, though. I feel better knowing that he’s able to enjoy himself and smile when he’s with Ryousuke, Marika and his other friends. I like to imagine that of all the men Tamura finds himself having sex with, one of them was able to bring him happiness.
