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More popular *globally* Danmei or BL Manga

Sad-Plant October 22, 2020 6:54 pm

*There is no professional research into this and this is based on my observations. Pls dont attack me. *
-Im not counting jp/kr novels cause its obvious there not that big and they usually get faithful mawha adaptions. *ONLY TRANSLATIONS* I hope y'all can help futher this question.
With China I would say danmei wins out mostly beacause while both jjwxc and sites like bilibili manuha get billions of hit. JJWXC wins out in views # for bl. Both have multiple free sites and i have no way to measure the views for that. While bl manwha has popularity everyone seems to know danmei like tcgf.(if that makes sense; story/world building likely have an impact)
With Japan unsurprisingly its bl manga. When metioned in other mediums of hobbies its always reading manga. I know mdzs got a jp trans and audio drama but idk wheter danmei has a market here.
Korea- maybe 50/50. (Kr novels get faithful manuha adaptions so doesnt really matter) So ridibooks is the Offical for danmei trans and those novels are usually on populor list for a long while. (Mdzs and 2ha have been on for month now) theres definitely a fandom. But views wise I say there equal exposure. Free sites are non existent.
Vitenam- danmei wins out. Ive seen sites for manga and novel's. But the focus seems to mostly on danmei. With people even creating software soley for trans. They also get offical trans. And untamed live action had a sold out promotion events.
America (Western Europe) - Manga/Manuha, likely due to anime popularity. In terms of votes and views the bl toons here are more "mainstream". This sites right here gets multi millions of views and there are other. I have no way of measuring danmei trans views, cause novelupdates only shows reading list #. (South America likely follows same trend)
Other country of interest was Thailand but along with other southeast countries I have no grasp on what sites are visted.
So overall I say it depends on country and regions. Again this based on my observations overtime but im confident I committed this with least bias as humanly possible.
Any help/clarification will be appreciated.
