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Just to clarify and speculate

Meru21 October 23, 2020 11:37 am

It wasn't Haechan that died but another student. Suhyeok can remember the dead kid's face but not Haechan's. More than likely due to trauma because Haechan might have been involved somehow. I'm guessing (just hypothetical because I haven't looked at raws) Haechan either accidentally or purposefully pushed the kid off a cliff for bullying SuhYeok and SuhYeok was so traumatized, he blocked out most of it, including Haechan's face because he can't cope with the fact that his "angel" his "light in the darkness" would do such a thing. That's just a guess. I'm also betting that the therapist is obsessing over SuhYeok in a stalker way. Hoping this surprises me, but we'll see.
