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I laughed my *ss off!!

Mameiha May 11, 2015 9:11 am

To see that poor little uke trying to stick that HUGE cock in his itty-bitty little mouth!! Holy Anatomically Disproportionate Batman! And his *ss -- when he farts it must sound like "HAAAA" instead of "PLBTTT"!! ROFLMAO

    Dear god December 16, 2015 8:18 am

    WTF is wrong with you man?

    Mameiha January 15, 2016 6:41 am
    Ahahah!!WTF is wrong with you man? @Dear god

    You can't tell just by reading my comment? LMAO And for the record, I'm a chick.

    Black Shadow March 12, 2016 12:16 am
    You can't tell just by reading my comment? LMAO And for the record, I'm a chick. Mameiha

    This just made my day! Lmfao