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rape rape rape... incest is wincest. big bro raped his lil bro... WTF! poor uke got trauma...

Nuhae October 25, 2020 6:22 am

rape rape rape... incest is wincest. big bro raped his lil bro... WTF! poor uke got trauma after being raped by big bro..... saying "i never thought someone could touch you" WTF bro! Only Yuxia can touch him! yuuckk! your desire is weird. INCEST!

    5 YEN October 27, 2020 7:18 pm

    do you mean the new manga? i think its different people.

    Vee October 29, 2020 5:12 am
    do you mean the new manga? i think its different people. 5 YEN

    no it's this one. it's not obvious if he got raped but chances are he did