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Like yall how is this possible-

A Clown October 25, 2020 8:42 am

I can’t tbh, this is hilarious at this point. This is “Technically” rape, but instead this smut kinda glazes it over with the fact that the uke likes it. I don’t understand why rape is just such a high all mighty thing in yaoi / smut. Can’t there be less webtoon and manga like this that glorify non-content into something “hot”. But the sad thing is, I cant even get mad because anything is possible in the realm in Yaoi.

    Wed October 25, 2020 12:05 pm

    Wait this is rape? The uke didn’t do anything and went with flow, he didn’t resist a bit or said anything, he did some action too and he were thinking how to do it and that he wants to do it. But you might be right! The fact that rape is a lot in yaoi has become so boring and disgusting, 90% of the stories has rape in it, it makes me think does the real world works like this?

    P.ure October 25, 2020 1:00 pm

    Well didn't the uke give consent? The seme asked him if he wanted to do it and the uke said yeah.

    hyyh October 25, 2020 7:04 pm

    the blowjob was totally sexual assault, didn't give him time to actually consent but shoved it next to his face, that's not consent.

    Stongie October 27, 2020 1:18 am
    the blowjob was totally sexual assault, didn't give him time to actually consent but shoved it next to his face, that's not consent. hyyh

    Yea but everything after was consensual lol

    Stongie October 27, 2020 1:18 am
    the blowjob was totally sexual assault, didn't give him time to actually consent but shoved it next to his face, that's not consent. hyyh

    Yea but everything after was consentual lol