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Actually, this is one of the better harems out there. The girls aren't all just airhead br...

lamri October 25, 2020 4:42 pm

Actually, this is one of the better harems out there. The girls aren't all just airhead brainless bimbos and actually wield legitimate power. And even the current idiots get character development in the future. What I didn't quite like is that he ends up with 8 women and also an ambiguous extra woman. I mean he's not "with" her but still it's ambiguous enough that she gets called his mistress. This is just so unnecessary.

The teacher irritates me though but then again... I don't like naive characters who have ”good intentions” without thinking about the consequences. I suppose she gets better in the future so I'll see how I feel then.

Still it is one of the better harems in that it has actual character development in the future and that the girls aren't just cookie cutter characters. I especially like that the girls are strong enough to be able to battle beside him and are not just damsels that always need saving.

In alot of ways, it could be so much worse.
