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ughh i'd really hate it if heaven's system works like this story..... since i am a loner a...

Minorin May 14, 2015 12:55 am

ughh i'd really hate it if heaven's system works like this story..... since i am a loner and if i happen to end up in heaven after i die, i'll become really poor..... yea right like as if money matters anymore after you die.... ( ̄∇ ̄") everyone knows that life in this world is unfair, so please dear god dont be that unjustified even after ppl die.

    Hayate-chan May 16, 2015 8:40 am

    Wow! The Heaven system in this manga truly interest me. But, I suppose Minorin's comment does make sense.

    If you were once a loner within the world of the living, then you'll be sure to wound up poor on top of being forgotten too.

    Talk about leading an unfortunate Afterlife. How depressing. ╥﹏╥