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Opinion please :(

Colorful_Lemon October 28, 2020 12:15 am

It's really worth reading? I dunno. After chapter 7 I stop reading it cause I felt like the action little bit overhype than the usual shoujo and I have read

    Fetus slayer November 1, 2020 1:50 pm

    Well if you can stand mc thats gold digga and narcistic go for it. I read til last chapter and though mc has this “char development” i still cant stand her. The boys are fine, i j dont think she shouldnt end up w anyone theyre too nice for her lmao.

    Fetus slayer November 1, 2020 1:50 pm
    Well if you can stand mc thats gold digga and narcistic go for it. I read til last chapter and though mc has this “char development” i still cant stand her. The boys are fine, i j dont think she shouldnt en... Fetus slayer

    Except for the red haired dude cheater