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Just started this

sweety1997 October 28, 2020 5:43 pm

very interesting. But since the beginning this blond bush hear annoyed me so much. I have nothing against platonic friends being a bit touchy in a way like family does you know and who does not tease their friends a bit if they are a little clueless like sia or whatever. but dude this guy...he is into her but makes everything into a sexually harrassment like aaaallll the time he talks with her he does this....first thing he says is something sexual when they meet...bruh...such an exhausting person and so delusional....not that t is bad to have hope and love someone....but he acts like he has serious claims....hhhhhhh..lets see where this goes....i feel a lot of drama coming )am at chapter 50 or smth=

    DramaticMES November 2, 2020 7:01 am

    He doesn’t really “change” but he’s a good man.