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I haven't read this manga but i want to know first is this manga content rape and incest?

Anonymous October 29, 2020 6:50 am

I haven't read this manga but i want to know first is this manga content rape and incest?

    марионетка October 29, 2020 7:03 am

    The rape incident wasn't clear since till the end of the story the Qins didn't tell anyone what happened on that day. But many people said his bro did raped him out of anger and jealousy. If not, Qin Min would not have such a big trauma in his life that cause him not to touch anyone. His bro has inferior complex + probably brocon. He feel superior when nobody can touch his little bro. He warned that crazy psycho to not touch Qin Min. Idk what exactly on his mind though...

    miyumira October 29, 2020 3:54 pm

    Implicitly... Kinda yes. :(