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Isekaii reads

Demirah October 29, 2020 9:23 am

I wasn't the main character of the story
Nor the actress of the play
Never the chorus of the songs
Not even the pretty villain in a dramatic dress
I was untitled, unmentioned, unsaid
Invisible, was it?

I was the silence of the pen that bleeds
The tears that fell on a handkerchief
The crumpled paper in a dark rooom
The unused books in the shelf
The torn out dress at the attic
Hidden, was it?

Just like Cindrella
I had a golden chance to meet a prince
Yet I was unnoticed for I was unnamed in the story
I was the pair of eyes along the corridors
The still curtains at the dance floor
Inconspicuous, was it?

I was one of the maidens with a fan covering half of my face
I was at the backstage of the drama
The smile thats hidden six feet under
The water that spills when the cup's full
The unused emotions in the picture
Unsignificant, was it?

I grew up under the closed tall castle
Staring from inside, I admired the princess who shined
And the interaction of the primary subjects
I was secluded in the dark
I had eyes to see
Breath to breathe
Nose to smell scents
A pair of ears to hear
But most of all, a voiceless mouth
And a nameless role.

Tʜᴇ ᗩɴᴏɴʏᴍᴏᴜs Oɴe
