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Over 20 Crew

Breeezy October 30, 2020 1:07 am

Just out of curiosity anyone in their early 20s on here?

    ojousamaa October 30, 2020 4:30 am
    I read everything too... well mostly things that peek my interest it depends what I'm in the mood for. But I'm glad that in some ways the world is finally changing & excepting people for who they are. The c... Breeezy

    I got you sis. Thats why I turned into this world when I am tired of real life events. It provided me the fun I couldnt have irl. Thats why I love to venture into a lot of genre

    Erga_omnes October 30, 2020 9:43 am
    Honestly I ask mostly out of curiosity & just trying to make small talk. For me i just discovered that webtoons, manhwas etc. Existed like maybe 3 months ago & idk how I never came across it because its... Breeezy

    Yeah, I also have that feeling sometimes. But I don’t know if it’s about age or just the way some people think. Because its such a wide world you get to see the thoughts of so many different people, and it’s impossible for everybody to agree on certain views. But other times you can detect that it’s just immaturity and inexperience ( ̄∇ ̄"). Maybe a mix of both age and mentality.
    Still... 26 is not old. Although if you keep comparing to 15yos of course you’ll feel old xD this type of art is to be enjoyed by adults, so if you’re above 18 (at least where I’m from) you’re an adult and you’re neither too old or too young to enjoy this.

    Breeezy October 30, 2020 12:52 pm
    I got you sis. Thats why I turned into this world when I am tired of real life events. It provided me the fun I couldnt have irl. Thats why I love to venture into a lot of genre ojousamaa

    I wish I would have found it a lot sooner and I'm glad I have access to it now.. quarantine was looong. I've also learned a lot of things (not in a fantasizing type of way or romanticized). But mostly research purposes (if that makes sense). But thanks for responding

    Breeezy October 30, 2020 1:01 pm
    Yeah, I also have that feeling sometimes. But I don’t know if it’s about age or just the way some people think. Because its such a wide world you get to see the thoughts of so many different people, and it�... Erga_omnes

    Yeah for me I was comparing it to my middle school life because I used to do virtual world sites & as soon as I entered high school I dropped it & started doing sports . Plus I think it would have been weird if I stayed. So I'm glad I found something that is ok for me to be on but I dont think I'll ever have someone to share my interests with in the real world.

    Which is why I always have that feeling that I'm doing something wrong or inappropriate from time to time. Thanks for responding