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This seems to be the mangaka's M.O.

Mameiha May 23, 2015 1:44 pm

This is the third(?) manga by this mangaka that I've read...and ambiguous, "leave 'em hanging" endings seem to be their modus operendi (M.O. -- model of operating). This takes a well written story line and relegates it to the "meh" file. If the stories ended definitively, they would be truly incredible.
Some will say, "This is how real life is." and I will reply, "If I want to read about real life I will pick up a newspaper." I read yaoi to escape real life -- this is my fantasy universe, don't muck it up with real life.

    What Ever! November 1, 2015 5:44 pm

    Well said. Even though I really like this story I agree with you.

    aerslevdi September 10, 2017 4:50 am

    I hate it when the excuse for a bad ending is "that's how real life works". The fuck??? I live in the real life. I'm trying to escape it. Don't get your real life in my Yaoi, specially with self lubricating assholes and whatnot.