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I don't know but my friend finds this manga annoying

geth_goblin October 31, 2020 6:24 pm

I don't know but my friend finds this manga annoying...
Any thoughts??

    aoobae November 9, 2020 3:18 am

    Well based on my own oppinion, I think your friend is lame and I love this manga (≧∀≦). What exactly do they find annoying? I would say there's much more annoying yaoi manga out there.

    ♡ ルアナちゃん ♡ November 14, 2020 7:30 pm

    Humm.. everyone is entitled to their opinion. I personally think this is a great bubbly manga Your friend probably likes to see different things in a manga which is understandable

    Isblueokay January 5, 2021 4:16 am

    Diff ppl like diff things, this just isnt their cup of tea I guess