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This manga is perfect and realistic except for the speech part its too cringy and positive...

Amatsuo November 1, 2020 8:29 am

This manga is perfect and realistic except for the speech part its too cringy and positive. just imagine some random guy suddenly giving a speech about his/her love life, that would be weird and everyone clapping hard as he/she raise the volume of the speech ( ̄∇ ̄")

    ugate November 7, 2020 10:07 am

    I'm sorry but I would be a person who would say mumbly, 'wtf I need the ceremony to end early!!!' because of lack of sleep the night before, reading some manga or playing games, then I would cuss people around and about to start protesting on how long should I stand watching the drama

    Sorry too many Wattpad novels read this week + stress from having class from 8am - almost 6 pm with a 1 1/2 hr break