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No disrespect or hate intended, just my opinion

Ohayougozaimasu November 2, 2020 12:03 am

God knows I WORSHIP sensei and her other works but this one I gotta say is my least favorite. I don't like the dynamic of their relationship at all... the power balance is horrible. Seme treats uke like he owns him because of the age gap and uke is okay with it because he obviously doesn't understand that a relationship should be built on mutual respect. The lack of uke's consent to ANYTHING they do, especially sexual activity, the fact that uke was forced to move in with seme, the fact that he was openly SCARED of seme attacking him, etc it's all just wrong and shouldn't ever be labeled as "cute".

    Yaoi Hungry November 5, 2020 5:29 pm

    This is my favourite manga from the author but still, I see your point and agree to it.