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Have reread this 2 more times since ch 5 was released!!

Suggababi June 1, 2015 12:47 pm

I'm trying to calm down and be patient but every time I think about it I want to come back and read this whole thing again! So I do!!! In fact I've gone back to the beginning (again) and reread the series!!! So addictive these Naruse brothers!!! Someone else stated it too, but isn't that Madoka asking who Riata is in Chapter 0 pg. 15? (Not sure how I missed that my 1st 100 times reading this!) I think yes, so I'm like the troublemaker was there from the beginning!!! So RiataXOgata but every story needs that hurdle... to climb over!!! I can't wait for Ogata to be incl. again, I really like his reactions when Riata's around. He's sooooo aware of him!! Love how once he's caught in that stare he can't look away and how his secretary and team are always anticipating what the young master wants (incl Ogata company) and basically lock Ogata down when he tries to escape. Now that's a great support staff!
