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Old mobile game

Cloverfr November 4, 2020 7:31 pm

This is a request for older people, so there is this mobile game I have fllashbacks of, I used to play it around 2007/2008/2009 in mobile, is about a girl/boy that moves out to the city and you date guys or girls, you had mini-games to win money, to doll yourself up or to have dates and buy stuffs.

There was a disco, a spa, a cafeteria, a gym, etc.
I remember a particular guy called Vinny that had probably red hair in spikes at super sayajing style.

The thing about the game is that not only you could date whatever gender you wanted, is that you could flirt with every single character at the same time, so the games does not ends, once you are done having everyone's heart the game stucks there.
