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maine418 November 5, 2020 12:19 pm

raws here for the next chapter where kenji and mr clean go to the onsen!!

they get drinks together and both are quite tipsy/drunk. they end up having sex and do it TWICE!! yoshito wakes up the next morning wondering wtf happen and turns out he doesnt remember last night probably cuz of the alcohol. then we get to see kenji’s disappointed pouty face hehe

    ♡♡♡♡ November 7, 2020 9:28 am

    thank you!

    lol so they did it but it was drunk sex and base on uke's reaction the next morning, he can't remember and is mad to seme., i thought the seme would do better than taking advantage of someone who has no interest in sleeping with him -_- I guess this time, he deserves the punch