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I don't like that thing were the victims get tainted because they "enjoyed" being raped. I...

aerslevdi June 2, 2015 6:01 pm

I don't like that thing were the victims get tainted because they "enjoyed" being raped. It's a common thing in our bodies and o respond to stimuli. Yet now the woman is a slut and a pervert for not being able of control her own body. By personal experience (not in rape)not being in control of your own body is awful. Is denigrating. You lose yourself. So I would like some mention of it. I had seen this in a lot of yaois but still nothing. Maybe I'm too stupid for waiting for it to change.

    MheartMANGA June 3, 2015 6:03 pm

    What you said is true and all but the rapist isn't gonna admit that. His views of the world are clearly warped so his views on whether or not enjoying rape is involuntary or not are gonna be warped too.

    aerslevdi June 3, 2015 6:20 pm

    Yeah. That I understand. But some acknowledge on that fact by the other character wouldn't hurt.

    nikkiyeni November 12, 2015 2:27 pm

    I understand where you're going with your comment and hope that other people can see the depth of this particular story the author has expressed. Even though the perv perp was saying all those horrible things about Touji's mom, it should be noted that Touji's mom died a year after that horrible incident. Though it is not explained how she had died but Touji did say she had been sick and I believe her death can easily be connected to the awful thing she had experienced due to the sick perp's actions.