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I loved everything except chapter 5, which would have been okay for me if the adult had at...

Iby November 7, 2020 2:15 am

I loved everything except chapter 5, which would have been okay for me if the adult had at least waited for the kid to reach maturity (18) to accept having sex with him. Instead he did it (it was clearly consensual for both parts don't get me wrong) when the kid was still mentally unstable (had unconsciously normalized being molested on the train, and his brain, to prevent him from getting hurt, converting it into pleasure) (plus the fact that he'd just been violently attacked) . And after blaming him for getting molested (I know he didn't exactly say that but it's still one of the meanings of his sentence).

So yeah , he took advantage of the kid's vulnerability

    Orange_puss November 21, 2020 11:31 am

    Me too the plot is kind of... I don't know weird??