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I'm a twisted soul...

Mameiha June 5, 2015 10:27 pm

... but this took my "twisted" and drug it over the demented line, untwisted it, twisted it back again and shit all over it. This yaoi is FUBAR. It's no wonder the guys in yaoi go gay with chicks like this around them! LOL Dying does not give anyone the right to ruin the lives of others. Sorry.
This is one more yaoi that makes me despise how females are portrayed in this genre.

    Anonymous June 16, 2015 5:06 am

    Uh, seriously? I think this one portrayed one of the best female roles ever in a yaoi manga. A woman who thinks of relationships the same way men have been taught to and women have been taught NOT to, meaning that women can be just as free to explore sexual relationships without feeling guilty about not seeking love, first.

    And I really don't think you were reading this story very well going by what you said in your comment, below. The three of them were not friends. The closest relationship among them was between the sempai and kouhai. The black-haired dude and the long-haired dude were only passing acquaintances, at MOST.

    And how did she ruin their lives? By dying on them? How can someone dying from leukemia willingly ruin someone's life? The fact that she didn't tell Orie that she was dying? The other two knew, and one of them was a person Orie looked up to and they also knew that he was her boyfriend. Why didn't THEY encourage her to tell him? They obviously knew he didn't know. Yet, somehow, it's only her fault? Maybe she didn't tell him BECAUSE she loved him, or, at least loved him, and the other two, as much as she was able? Oops.

    Also, are you saying that Yuka made Suenobu and the black-haired dude into rapists and sadists? Of course you are, because only men (who act like men, that is) deserve a pass. I mean, you don't even realize how loaded with misogyny and homophobia your words are, do you? Women perform what you consider reprehensible and vile actions but men get a pass for performing the same actions while men can blame women for their actions but you sure better not expect women to be able to do the same!

    You are also implicitly implying that being homosexual is somehow wrong.


    Mameiha June 16, 2015 7:25 am
    Uh, seriously? I think this one portrayed one of the best female roles ever in a yaoi manga. A woman who thinks of relationships the same way men have been taught to and women have been taught NOT to, meaning... @Anonymous

    WHAT? Excuse the fuck out of you!! How dare you attack me personally you childish little anonymous twit!! I don't give a flying rat's ass if you disagree with my opinion, nor do I give a shit about yours... but WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE to assume you know ANYTHING about me based on my one opinion of a FUCKING MANGA!! You extrapolated your own biases from one vague comment of mine and then projected your prejudices onto me personally.

    Now, let me return the lovely favor you so graciously bestowed on me. Based upon your disgustingly biased comment, you my dear, are a card carrying man hater. I'm sorry if your daddy didn't love you enough, beat your mommy and ran around on her. Or was it your boyfriend that suddenly decided your shitty personality was more than they could take and chose to fuck your ugly best friend instead? Is that why you hate men?

    Did you enjoy that dose of your own medicine? Not pretty or fun, is it? When a total stranger makes outrageous and unfounded assumptions about YOU based ONLY on an online comment. Next time you want to vent... try engaging your brain before you type and bitch about the topic or manga... don't EVER attack a commentor personally or make assumptions about them, when you know NOTHING. Also, if you are going to post such outrageously aggressive and insulting comments, have the decency to sign up or sign in - so that you can be called out on the carpet personally and privately, rather than subjecting other readers to the verbal dressing down you deserve to get.

    BTW... I'm a bi-sexual FEMALE, my brother and most of my male friends are gay and my best friend is transgender. So, your theories of my misogyny and homophobia are WAY OFF THE MARK. In fact, I'm not even sure what planet half of your "written vomit" came from. My original comment never once touched on the topics that you so vehemently insulted me over. I think you owe me, and all of the other readers, an apology.

    TO MY FELLOW READERS: I sincerely apologize that you were subjected to, not only my retaliatory rant, but also the original comment by this anonymous poster. Please forgive my foul language and harsh words, but knowing that I could not contact this person privately, I felt this was the only way to prevent this person or others from posting these types of "personal bashing" comments against anyone else. We are here, as fellow readers, to share and discuss our opinions of the manga we read, not to insult individuals on a personal level. The only purpose for my terribly cruel insults in my rant, was to emphasize how unfounded assumptions made by a stranger will make the person receiving them feel angry and indignant. Again, please accept my humble apologies for putting you through all that. MAMEIHA

    sam June 16, 2015 7:40 am

    I'm pretty certain that this anonymous person loves to take bad about people. I believe, just by reading some comments, that they replied to the comments above hours too.

    sam June 16, 2015 7:40 am
    I'm pretty certain that this anonymous person loves to take bad about people. I believe, just by reading some comments, that they replied to the comments above hours too. sam

    Talk not take.. Auto-correct is so evil.

    Mameiha June 16, 2015 7:54 am

    Thanks. Your comment helped me calm down... a little. I got a little pissed off and really took off on a rant. I kinda feel like a dumb-ass for being provoked like that. *blush* People like that are so RARE on here, I was caught off guard. LOL I hope everyone can forgive me for being impetuous and indignant.

    Mameiha June 16, 2015 7:55 am
    I'm pretty certain that this anonymous person loves to take bad about people. I believe, just by reading some comments, that they replied to the comments above hours too. sam

    Thanks. Your comment helped me calm down... a little. I got a little pissed off and really took off on a rant. I kinda feel like a dumb-ass for being provoked like that. *blush* People like that are so RARE on here, I was caught off guard. LOL I hope everyone can forgive me for being impetuous and indignant.