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What did I just read..?

Alyssa★ November 7, 2020 5:12 am

What in fucks name did I just read. 1, why in a public library. 2, why tf did he bite his asshole. 3, why tf is his dick fucking 12 inches.. how is that even possible??? 4, why did that random guy join. That was so fucking embarrassing 5, WHY WERE THEY SURROUNDED BY EVERYONE IN THE LIBRARY IN ONE OF THE LAST PANELS?? 6, I honestly like the art style, it’s pretty :) just the stores was like, wtf is even that? 7, why does this exist. Like, just why? Who in the right mind of state thought it was a good idea to draw this. Just why? And 8, ... l just wanna know who drew this. Like seriously. I wanna ask them why they thought this was a good idea to draw. I need to bleach my eyes. I literally had to run laps from every page and panel. At first I though this was some cute story because of the first panel.. and because the art was pretty. But in the second panel- I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m so traumatized by this. But holy shit I think I might rate this a 1 star for ruining my eyes.
