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D: protect Mioto pls Kuze cool too :D

itscalledluvluv November 7, 2020 9:06 am

This manga is pretty interesting if it wasn’t for the rape part. Like that must’ve traumatized Mioto. I know Tsukihito is “developing” as a character and learning from his mistakes... but damn. I feel really bad for Mioto. I know Mioto said he wasn’t gonna forgive him until he can respect his wishes, but it’s pretty clear he forgave him already. I lowkey wish they don’t become a couple... Idk I just think what Tsukihuto did was unforgivable. Also Kuze seems like a better guy so if this story wants to end with Mioto having a lover, Kuze seems like a gentleman haha. No hate to the author I just wished Mioto didn’t end up with someone who raped him multiple times and literally kidnapped him for a few days. Idk it just makes me sad bc no one should go through that in the first place :( ALSO my boy Mioto was already going thru the loss of his father he did NOT need to go through more trauma. He did not deserve D: i only trust kuze
