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Not bad, kinda cute...

Mameiha August 17, 2015 2:36 am

... a little too "kawaii love and bunny cuddles" for me, oh and what's with the hooker in the last story? NO real, serious gamer chick would be caught dead looking that cheap! Cosplay as a character, sure...but cheap, old prostitute... never.

The story lines were quick and cute shounen ai. Characters were pleasing. Art was clean and attractive. This is a nice, quick and pleasant read. Worth your time after a "heavy", sad or serious manga. This is shounen ai and not really yaoi... sex may be implied but it's devoid of smexy details.

    This Bitch August 4, 2016 6:16 am

    It's rude to demean someone else's passion just because of the way they dress. I know so many amazing gamer girls that don't look the part and look, as you would say, "cheap".

    Mameiha August 18, 2016 9:01 am
    It's rude to demean someone else's passion just because of the way they dress. I know so many amazing gamer girls that don't look the part and look, as you would say, "cheap". This Bitch

    Go back and read my comment again. Unless you are referring to the passion a hooker feels for her work, I wasn't demeaning anyone. The HOOKER is cheap, not the gamer. Dolt. My comment was that no gamer would dress like a cheap hooker.

    This Bitch August 19, 2016 6:14 pm

    Are you positive that she's a hooker? Also if I was confused then I'm sorry, but there was no need to call me a dolt. You're honestly just being rude for no reason.

    Aiya-chan October 20, 2016 2:55 am
    Are you positive that she's a hooker? Also if I was confused then I'm sorry, but there was no need to call me a dolt. You're honestly just being rude for no reason. This Bitch

    You are not misunderstanding, Mameiha is being prejudiced, judgemental and sexist. That's some seriously misogynistic reasoning.
    (╬ ̄_ ̄)

    Mameiha October 20, 2016 7:59 am
    You are not misunderstanding, Mameiha is being prejudiced, judgemental and sexist. That's some seriously misogynistic reasoning. (╬ ̄_ ̄) Aiya-chan

    So, I'm prejudiced and misogynistic because I assume that female gamers have better taste and comportment than cheap hookers. Okay. I can only assume you, yourself, are a cheap hooker and have taken offense to my comment. In which case, I could truly give less than zero fucks. Cheap hookers and idiots do not deserve my respect or concern.

    Mameiha October 20, 2016 8:03 am
    Are you positive that she's a hooker? Also if I was confused then I'm sorry, but there was no need to call me a dolt. You're honestly just being rude for no reason. This Bitch

    My apologies for the "dolt" remark. It was unwarranted. You were confused because my description was not clear. I meant that female gamers tend to have better taste and comportment than what was depicted here. It was an affront to female gamers, in my opinion. Some of us are sexy and sexual, but few are as cheap in appearance as is depicted here. Again, please forgive my rudeness.

    Nnene October 20, 2016 8:25 am
    My apologies for the "dolt" remark. It was unwarranted. You were confused because my description was not clear. I meant that female gamers tend to have better taste and comportment than what was depicted here. ... Mameiha

    "Gamers" aren't an homogeneous group, nor are "hookers".

    It's only people enjoying a common activity lol.

    SonjaLuv October 25, 2017 7:37 am

    Um I'm confused when u say gamer chick are u talking about the lady that the boys in the last story reported to and handed their reports to cuz if so I'm pretty sure she's not a gamer herself she's just an office worker that's y the two boys were there she's what u would call a supervisor to make sure the boys and other game testers did what they were supposed to do perhaps u should read it one more time and look at it very closely

    Aiya-chan November 5, 2017 2:05 am
    So, I'm prejudiced and misogynistic because I assume that female gamers have better taste and comportment than cheap hookers. Okay. I can only assume you, yourself, are a cheap hooker and have taken offense to ... Mameiha

    Yes thats exactly what you are. The very definition of the terms. And I did take offense and now I'm taking even more offense you rude ass fucking dipshit. Fuck you and your opinions. It truly baffles me that you seem so incapable of comprehending your misogyny, a specially considering it is so extremely obvious. Quit ironic considering your comments about "idiots". In Sweden we have a saying that fits perfectly: "Don't throw rocks in glasshouses."

    I do not sell sex at all but that's beside the point. Prostitution does not make any one my less of a human being neither does it take away from their value or their right to basic respect. And neither does dressing "cheap", which by the way is a ridiculous description. Fuck that shit. The fact that I never were clothes with a cleavage says absolutely nothing abort me as a person and neither does it in anyway affect my value or my rights as human being, and neither would the opposite. Clothes does not define a person. Behaviour does. And your behaviour is truly disgusting. What a horrible excuse of a person you are. Vile even.

    Lightasus November 5, 2017 2:54 am

    Wow that's an old topic ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Mameiha September 10, 2018 6:44 am
    Yes thats exactly what you are. The very definition of the terms. And I did take offense and now I'm taking even more offense you rude ass fucking dipshit. Fuck you and your opinions. It truly baffles me that y... Aiya-chan

    ROFLMAO Thanks for the laugh. That felt pretty good.

    Mameiha September 10, 2018 6:58 am
    Um I'm confused when u say gamer chick are u talking about the lady that the boys in the last story reported to and handed their reports to cuz if so I'm pretty sure she's not a gamer herself she's just an offi... SonjaLuv

    In the last story there were 2 female characters. One dressed like an old hooker and one dressed like a cute office lady. The story revolved around gaming and the gaming industry. Whether she was a supervisor or the bitch who serves tea, she was involved in a gaming company and the gaming industry. I've been involved in gaming as a player and as the bitch that serves tea to designers - more like I answered phones and ran errands - as a whole, the females in the industry tend to be more laid back, but they have class. With the exception of a few outliers who never fit in and never stayed around long, this was always the case. Excessively revealing and distracting clothing tended to be discouraged and, frankly, didn't fit the personalities of the women I met and knew in the industry. So, regardless of the character's title or duties, she gave the impression of a low class hooker rather than the women in gaming in my experience.

    Mameiha September 10, 2018 7:03 am
    "Gamers" aren't an homogeneous group, nor are "hookers". It's only people enjoying a common activity lol. Nnene

    True, but when people congregate in a group they tend to pick up trends, traits, styles and habits from the people they are surrounded by. The character was obviously not actually a hooker and she even seemed to have a likable personality. The mangaka's choice of attire for her just made her come off as cheap and easy, where, in my experience the people who congregate in groups with gaming as their common interest tend to have a bit more taste and class. There are always exceptions, of course, but they tend to not remain in the group even if they are liked by everyone, simply because they don't feel they fit in.