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HELL NO chapter4

Senpai June 8, 2015 1:44 pm

That girl is a stupid B*TCH and that guy is an asshole.

    Miss Queen December 18, 2016 10:54 pm

    You know that if you hate someone that means that you have something in common with that person? I didn't meant to be mean I'm just saying and yes it was quite annoying, she could make a different endin, but the actual ending shows how strong can be human's addiction to do something wrong, which is really interesting.

    Anonymous June 18, 2017 8:32 am
    You know that if you hate someone that means that you have something in common with that person? I didn't meant to be mean I'm just saying and yes it was quite annoying, she could make a different endin, but th... Miss Queen

    No,there is wrong and right and hating someone dose not mean you have something common with them. If you hate terrorist dose that mean you have something common with them !!