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I just read this interesting article about LGBT Egyptian gods:

mochu.xo November 8, 2020 10:46 pm

I just read this interesting article about LGBT Egyptian gods:

And it seems like the new Greek/Roman god in the raws is Antinous. According to the article he was a real historical figure and lover of Roman emperor Hadrian. The story goes that the couple went on a trip around the Mediterranean but Antinous drowned in the Nile on the same day of Osiris' death commemoration. After his death he rose from Nile's waters and reborn as Osiris. Long story short: Osiris might make his appearance on season 2 but as Antinous.
Moving on to Seth and Nephthys. According to the article, some historians think Seth is gay while Nephthys is lesbian. Nephthys being lesbian explains why the her inside the mirror said she was shocked when she saw her "fake" in love with Seth.
However, I can't explain Seth's disgusted attitude toward gays when the author stated that Seth is okay in dating both genders. I have a theory that Seth and Osiris were in secret romantic reletionship before while Nephthys had an unrequited love for Isis. Then someone discovered their secrets and gifted Seth and Nephthys the infamous mirrors in order to "fix" their unorthodox feelings for the same sex. When they both stared at the mirros, they found themsleves trapped inside while the "fake" hetero ones replaced them. Osiris was heartbroken after finding out Seth lost all memories of their love. Desperate and obsessed to get his lover back, Osiris decides to seize the throne and use the power of the emperor to search for solutions.

    yovannah November 8, 2020 1:23 pm

    omg this is so interesting, ty for sharing

    MangaMama November 9, 2020 8:50 pm

    I like your theories