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I like the ending. Worth the read. They ended up thogether and that is all that counts for...

What Ever! June 9, 2015 1:48 pm

I like the ending. Worth the read. They ended up thogether and that is all that counts for me. It's good that they are happy.

    Anonymous June 28, 2015 11:21 am

    Um, really? You *think* they're happy, why? Because the author managed to pull a deus ex machina out of their ass? Next time, just jump to the ending since you're obviously not interested in anything like the actual STORY.

    Anonymous June 28, 2015 12:08 pm
    Um, really? You *think* they're happy, why? Because the author managed to pull a deus ex machina out of their ass? Next time, just jump to the ending since you're obviously not interested in anything like the... @Anonymous

    Hey Anonymous. I just have to assume it's you who answered to most of this post with that angered tone. I just want to know why. I do think that everyone has the right to dislike this story as much as you seem to like it. I understand the fan-based enthusiasm, but you could be a little nicer. Instead of attacking everyone, why won't you post a simmary of what YOU really think about this story. That way a good summary/opinnion might put people want to read this story and possibly think about it a bit more positive way, right? And note: there was no sarcasm on what I just said.

    Elsa June 28, 2015 12:10 pm
    Um, really? You *think* they're happy, why? Because the author managed to pull a deus ex machina out of their ass? Next time, just jump to the ending since you're obviously not interested in anything like the... @Anonymous

    Hey Anonymous. I just have to assume it's you who answered to most of this post with that angered tone. I just want to know why. I do think that everyone has the right to dislike this story as much as you seem to like it. I understand the fan-based enthusiasm, but you could be a little nicer. Instead of attacking everyone, why won't you post a simmary of what YOU really think about this story. That way a good summary/opinnion might put people want to read this story and possibly think about it a bit more positive way, right? And note: there was no sarcasm on what I just said. (Sorry, forgot to post my name incase you want to reply ;)

    Elsa June 28, 2015 12:12 pm
    Um, really? You *think* they're happy, why? Because the author managed to pull a deus ex machina out of their ass? Next time, just jump to the ending since you're obviously not interested in anything like the... @Anonymous

    Oh, in case you are trolling, don't bother to put in the summary :) I guess your posts will be deleted soon anyway. This site has a tendency to do just that, which is good :)

    What Ever! June 28, 2015 1:04 pm

    Hmm? You think they won't be happy? Why wouldn't they be, I did in fact read the whole manga and that's just my opinion, but I like them together. And the actual STORY includes the ending with them looking pretty damn happy. Maybe you just don't like it.