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Dropping this

Ace November 9, 2020 2:35 am

this is fucking bullshit.... talk about rape and stockholm syndrome. Toxic relationship. Mc got angry once and then forgave him. ML treated him like an object, raped him and kept telling him its all gucci. like come on

JUST BECAUSE HE HAS A HARD PAST DOES /NOT/ MAKE IT OK! not an excuse. sickening.

I know people are going to be like, its just fiction or don't like don't read (which I am not anymore), but just because it is fiction doesn't mean it is ok. And the things that we read, listen to, absorb DO play a role in our day to day life whether or not we realize it or not.

Im upset because I felt like this had potential and then its ruined.

    owkqjnenxnx November 10, 2020 3:06 pm

    he had a hard past and thats the outcome of him dzuh