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YaoiLover June 12, 2015 10:48 am

I swear those people are taking things way too far

you dont go your way of trying to kill someone just because they have a boyfriend, and saying that you arent criminals when thing does get serious is just lame excuse cause you didnt want to take the consequences of you doings, you are a criminal for ruining people life, tramautizing their life with your mistreated doings and some other shits.

....if it was me I would have done something i wouldnt care if i kill someone for being mistreated so much like this, it could have been self defense, go back for revenge, but nothing's better than living your life successfully in the face of your haters and enemies :P

Im proud of this girl to be brave enough to go through with this and survive. I cry because it was emotional and an unexplainable feeling that cannot be in words. she living her life perfectly like how she wanted to now. No one is standing in her way.
