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AFTER EIGHT November 10, 2020 2:01 pm

I think you need to get rid of the fragile bodyguard who can't seem to hold down the enemy . Also,where are the kids? Shouldn't they be well out and met up with their parents?!

    I’m Always Watching You November 10, 2020 9:02 pm

    That part with the weak bodyguard was ridiculous! I must have dreamt he pinned her down, but then she overpowered him? Phooey! Wake me when it makes sense!! (づ ︶ o ︶)づ

    AFTER EIGHT November 11, 2020 9:59 am
    That part with the weak bodyguard was ridiculous! I must have dreamt he pinned her down, but then she overpowered him? Phooey! Wake me when it makes sense!! (づ ︶ o ︶)づ I’m Always Watching You

    Will do! LOL!